
Seasons Dandiya Nights||NAVRATRI 2023

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7 Season Resort and Spa: Jamnagar

7 seasons Resort & Spa, Ravalsar, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

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As the auspicious festival approaches, communities are gearing up for ten days of exuberance and devotion. Navratri, which translates to "nine nights" honors the divine feminine energy through dance, ...
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As the auspicious festival approaches, communities are gearing up for ten days of exuberance and devotion. Navratri, which translates to "nine nights" honors the divine feminine energy through dance, music, and rituals. After the previous years successful celebration of Jamnagar's biggest Urban Navratri Celebration 2022`,

7 Seasons Resort & Spa is again ready to host you with the city`s grandest celebration of the year. as you people are aware the previous year we were honored to welcome several amazing and well-known Celebrity guests and personalities such as Munmun Datta - a TV Actress, Payal Shah-a Singer, Himali Vyas Naik - a Singer, D J HEMZ, Aarti Pitroda an Anchor and the list goes on.

          Panel 1: The power of Women in the leadership roles and startup world
                  Panel 1: The power of Women in the leadership roles and startup world Digital Display